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Carbon footprint. Everyone knows they should reduce it, but what is a carbon footprint? How to reduce it and what good is it?

Carbon footprint refers to the total amount of greenhouse gases released into the Earth’s atmosphere as a result of an individual or organisation’s activities.

Greenhouse gases trap reflected solar radiation in the atmosphere and contribute to the warming of the planet. So the less we emit the better.

As we all know, what doesn’t get measured, nobody solves. That is why, in recent years, the size of the carbon footprint has begun to be calculated in virtually all areas.

How is the carbon footprint calculated?
The carbon footprint can either be measured directly by a sensor, but it is usually calculated indirectly, by calculation. We use a company’s energy and fuel consumption to calculate it.

What good is measuring and then reducing the carbon footprint?
If we know how big our carbon footprint is we can design measures to reduce it. These usually consist of increasing the efficiency of energy use and reducing waste. The more efficiently we use energy, the lower the cost. The less waste a company produces in production, the smaller the carbon footprint.

If we simplify the problem, reducing the carbon footprint = increasing efficiency = reducing costs.

If you want to try working with Envitrail, email us and we’ll calculate your company or product’s carbon footprint for free.

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