Hospital and nursing beds, mattresses and related smart technologies are flowing from the Czech Republic to the whole world. And specifically from Slany, where LINET Group SE, one of the largest manufacturers of medical technology in the world, is based.

Who or what was the reason for Linet's carbon footprint calculation and non-financial reporting? There are several, and you will learn about them, among others, in the video, which will guide you through Jakub Polasek, Quality Manager at Linet, and Lucie Siskosova, CEO of EnviTrail.



Our team conducted a full-scale carbon footprint audit of Linet in accordance with the GHG Protocol. ✅ In particular, the result was that the Scope 3 category Purchasing Materials accounts for over 60% of the total carbon footprint. The company began to reach out to its supply chain to inquire about the carbon footprint of suppliers and their products. This is a real-life example of how one company's Scope 1 & 2 are intertwined with another company's Scope 3.

Lucie SiskosovaCEO EnviTrail